Pasco High Instructor: Angela C. Perez  Reg / Adv Algebra 4 - Math Analysis 2


First of all, please remember that you can contact me through email:

If you are unhappy with your current grade...

Take a picture of your missing work and email to the address above.  I will enter the grades into PowerSchool.

For quizzes, send an email with the exact name of the quiz (example: CFA 7 - 2).  I will send you a copy of the quiz.  After completing, take a picture of your work and email back.  I will enter the grade into PowerSchool.

New Weekly Assignments...

Please focus on the weekly assignments being pushed out by the district (March 30 - June 15).  After completing each assignment, take a picture of your work and turn in using email. 


If you are having trouble finding the assignments...

Go to

Click on - Covid-19 School Closure: Information for Familie

Click on - High School Weekly Lessons

Click on - To Access All High School Weekly Lessons, Click Here

Sign In

Click on - Lessons Week 3 April 20

Scroll down to your class (Subject: Math)

Your assignments and instructional information is available in the folder 


Stay safe and healthy.

Angela C. Perez, M. Ed.